Common Household Issues during the Cold Weather that You Should Beware of
Common Household Issues during the Cold Weather that You Should Beware of

The cold, frosty nip in the air may bring in the sweet scent of Christmas longings and a heart full of elation to celebrate the upcoming festivity with gusto. Winter also gives rise to some household woes that need to be paid attention to, even before you start planning upcoming fests.
Rest assured that the home insurance from HDFC ERGO will definitely cover all the household problems that might crop up during the cold days. Yet, it always makes it worth it to keep some of the small things in place in order to ensure that you do not end up spending huge money behind fixing them later.
Check out these six most common household issues that your cozy niche may fall prey to.
1. Peeling Paint
Peeling paint or paint that is chipped off due to improper application of primer or the prep up material is one of the most common household issues faced by people. If you feel that the paint needs attention, ensure proper insulation, keep your rooms ventilated and prevent moisture to dampen the walls. You could even apply two coats of special winter paints to ensure that your sweet hearth looks fresh during the frosty days.
2. Boiler Breakdowns
Boilers are a must and warm welcome during cold winter days. However, over-usage with all the household work done with hot water may result in pipe leaks, improper heating, ignition burner problems or loud bursts. To ensure that you and your family get hot water throughout the wintry evenings, it is best to get in touch with an expert or technician rather than trying your hands on the boiler yourself as you may be endangering the others’ lives.
3. Burst Pipes
Bursting of water pipes when the temperatures drop drastically is a very common as well as detrimental issue that may leave you deprived of water for several days on end. Winters witness a sudden drop in the temperatures, resulting in the water expanding inside the pipes as they freeze, thus causing them to burst. It is therefore imperative that proper insulation be provided and tap leaks be given immediate attention. If you are leaving the house for some days, it is best to turn off your taps’ supply and if they still burst, just put off the taps and call on the plumber at that instance.
4. Gutter Problems
Clogged gutters are one of the major problem areas and very common too. It is important to let the water flow smoothly so that it does not freeze. You may also think of installing a heater in the gutters that will curb the onset of ice inside.
5. Mould Growth
With winter rains playing a truant often, mould growth is a common thing for households. The key to preventing mould growth is to provide proper ventilation, so as to prevent the damp to accumulate and cause damage to the walls.
6. Air Leaks and Drafts
Once more caused by insufficient insulation, air leaks and drafts are another common concern for house dwellers in winters. Insulating and trapping the heat in the window seals and doors and using weather stripping, spray foam and caulk to tighten the window seals can be a good way to go about it. Property Insurance is a tool that provides you the financial security so that you are prepared for uncertain times.
Although a home insurance by HDFC ERGO will cover most of these issues, it is important to attend and fix the issues as they catch your eyes. It will only ensure you a comfortable and healthy living and you can then attend to your guests without any qualms.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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